About Permox CTF
Permox-CTF™ is a ceramic filled, amine cured, novolac epoxy lining specifically developed for ductile iron pipe and fittings as an alternative to coal-tar epoxies.
Some of the Benefits
- Environmentally Friendly
- Coal-Tar Free
- Non-Carcinogenic (No Benzene)
- Odor-Free
- Non-Flammable
Standard Colors Are Green And Red
- 97% Volume Solids
- Able To Be Applied without
Stringent Environmental Permits
- No Hazardous Air Polluting Solvents
- (0 Kilograms HAPS/Liter Solids)
- 0.2 – 0.3 pounds VOC per Gallon
- Ease of Application
- High Film Build Capabilities
- Lined Pipe Can Be Stored Above Ground for
36 Months Without Cracking or Disbonding - Better Suited for Video Inspection
(Except When Supplied In Black)