The PERMOX brand of novolac epoxy has been used to line domestic sewer pipe for over forty years. It is from that chemistry and experience that PERMOX CTF™ has been both developed, extensively tested and in domestic sewer service protecting ductile iron pipe and fittings since 2008.
Decades ago, the ductile iron manufacturers discontinued using polyethylene, polyurethane and calcium aluminate linings because of production and reliability issues.
A chemical resistant coal tar lining with novolac and ceramic fillers provided ductile iron protection. It was applied at 40 mils DFT. This coal tar based ceramic novolac epoxy standard was much less expensive than the original PERMOX novolac epoxy. As technology progressed, non-coal tar based ceramic novolac epoxies became more competitive. PERMOX CTF™ is a coal tar free ceramic novolac epoxy containing Zero HAPS, Zero PFAs, Zero PAHs and contains less than 0.2 lbs/gal of VOC becoming the environmentally friendly alternative.
The lining specification for ceramic novolac epoxies is based on a performance standard. PERMOX CTF™ is a ceramic novolac epoxy which meets and exceeds this performance test data without the inclusion of coal tar resin and other problematic constituents. Millions of feet of ductile iron pipe and countless ductile fittings are in service with zero lining failures. PERMOX CTF™ has an unblemished installation record.