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Building the Future through Proven Technology

Abrasion Resistance

  • Applications Report #43, 2008
  • Abrasion Resistance for Permite
  • November 24, 2008

A. Objective:

Evaluate the Taber abrasion resistance of coated panels supplied by Permite. The work is recorded in Laboratory Notebook RD88 page 23.

B. Procedure:

The panels were tested via ASTM D4060.

Table 1. Table Loss (CS-17 @ 1000)

Cardolite Marking Distinguishing Marks Initial Wt. Wt. After 1000 cycles Taber Abrasion Gram Wt. Loss
ASTM D4060
A Clean 71.6202 71.4541 166.1 0.1661 gms
B Paint on back 72.9546 72.7521 202.5 0.2025 gms

Table 2. Table Loss (CS-17 @ 1000)

